Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Is Finally Here...

Hi All,
   So I am glad that 2011 is finally over with. I am hoping that with the new year things can start to finally look up. Even if it is in my own perspective.

    I don't really have a lot to update on. New Year's eve I had a couple of transports but made it home in time to watch the ball drop with Mary at midnight. Other then that not much happened.

     I am enjoying the work of my job though the hours really suck. I am definitely going to have to start looking for new work. I can not survive on 49, 56 or so hours a paycheck. We get paid on the 1st and the 15th. I am frustrated that I have to find work because this is a job I actually like. I enjoy being on the road, transporting patients, instead of sitting behind a desk or doing some other mundane task. Each run is to somewhere different with a different patient (though we do have regulars), which mixes things up a bit. Its definitely not a boring job. But a person can't survive on that small number of hours in this economy. 

     Well that is the extent of my update for today. More to come later!

      Love & Peace